Answers to Physics Questions

Physics, cosmology, astrophysics, electricity, energy, forces, gravity, light and maths...

28 May 2006

If sound and heat are both vibrations, then why isn't sound hot and heat loud?

28 May 2006

If you hold your lips closed with your fingers and breathe out as hard as you can, and then release your fingers, you...

28 May 2006

Why do some people suffer so badly with static electric shocks? It's particularly bad when I get out of my car.

28 May 2006

Do you think we'll ever beat the speed of light?

21 May 2006

If you take a two-litre plastic soda bottle and blow across the lid, you get a very low note. If you squeeze the bottle...

21 May 2006

When I play my flute, sometimes it gets a really screechy noise. What is it? It only happens when I play medium E...

21 May 2006

Is white noise something to do with gravity or the big bang?

21 May 2006

What is ultrasound? Is it actually sound?

21 May 2006

Why do instruments from different countries not go well together?

14 May 2006

Do TV and radio signals travel vertically, and if they do, do they disappear or travel off into space forever? If so,...

14 May 2006

I was listening to my radio one night and I noticed that when I turned on my desk light there was a little blip of...

30 April 2006

We know that we're living on a nuclear furnace and heat's being made all the time in the core. Is there no...

09 April 2006

Why do bubbles of gas form on the sides of the bath or glass while or after you have run the water?

12 February 2006

Why is it that when you put something metal in the microwave, you get a firework display, and yet the inside of the...

05 February 2006

If you spill some water on the kitchen floor, it's obviously very slippery. Yet when you want to turn the pages...

18 December 2005

Was the Star of Bethlehem a real astronomical event?

27 November 2005

What's gravity made of?

27 November 2005

If our weight is the difference between gravity and the centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation, why are we not...

20 November 2005

How is thunder and lightning made, and what causes it?

06 November 2005

When you snap a glowstick, what makes it glow?

06 November 2005

How's a rainbow made in the sky?

23 October 2005

Many years ago I was told that six foot fluorescent strip lights are more efficient and need less energy than tungsten...

16 October 2005

I'm in contention with someone at work, who is saying something that I don't believe is true. He maintains...

16 October 2005

When you let the water out of the bath, why does the water spiral down the plug hole?