Interviews about Physics

Interviews about cosmology, astrophysics, electricity, energy, forces, gravity, light and maths...

23 January 2011

In November 2010, researchers at CERN announced that they had managed to make and trap the antimatter equivalent of...

23 January 2011

Meera and Dave explore how PET and MRI scanners can combine to give a better look at what's going on inside us....

07 December 2010

Across the developed world we tend to take it for granted that we can simply plug in a kettle or a computer and there’s...

07 December 2010

One of the outstanding problems in energy provision is how to store it in such a way that it can be accessed rapidly...

07 December 2010

Small-scale turbines that can harness energy locally from winds, tides or rivers can be a valuable asset in bringing...

25 November 2010

The Herschel-ATLAS survey has identified a number of galaxies acting as lenses, magnifing distant galaxies and allowing...

21 November 2010

Meera and Dave explore the structures that can shape-shift from one shape to another - also known as bistable...

07 November 2010

Now, here’s an easy science question: What temperature does water freeze at? Zero degrees, right? Actually, that’s...

07 November 2010

This week, we look into the science and engineering of ultrasound, and find out how it can be used to look for tumours...

24 October 2010

Astronomers have confirmed the sighting of the most distant galaxy ever recorded. It's light was emitted when the...

17 October 2010

When most people hear the word ‘turbulence’ they immediately think of being thrown around inside an airplane and...

26 September 2010

A satellite designed to measure the Earth’s gravitational field with unprecedented accuracy may sound like something...

19 September 2010

Researchers from Bristol University recently reported on a development in quantum computing that could bring this...

19 September 2010

And now it's time for some Pi - not the food but the number. Julia Graham met Professor Robin Wilson to find out a...

12 September 2010

Increasingly, governments and energy companies are looking at ways of harvesting wave and tidal energy. But what about...

05 September 2010

Embarrassingly for the average Aussie, as a nation, they're amongst the worst emitters of greenhouse gases on a...

05 September 2010

The Square Kilometre Array will be the largest radio telescope device ever constructed - a strong contender for the...

08 August 2010

With cyclists reaching speeds of up to 100 kilometres an hour on descents down mountains, and wanting to preserve their...

08 August 2010

Fergal Grace explains how a well timed and well controlled diet can provide the energy for endurance...

01 August 2010

Turning a farm into a city and then back again, is no easy feat. For the festival to run smoothly there must be...

01 August 2010

The Glastonbury organisers pride themselves on doing as much possible to reduce their impact - not just on the farm...

01 August 2010

Alex Gadsden tells us about his pedal-powered washing machine - how it works and what it can do.

01 August 2010

Stand-up comedian Josie Long, performing in the cabaret tent, feels that politics and environmental messages have a...

18 July 2010

Why is nuclear waste such a problem? To find out more about how nuclear fission works, the waste it creates and the...