Interviews about Biology

Interviews about genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

16 March 2008

For years, scientists have assumed that the first born of any batch of offspring have a better chance of survival out...

17 February 2008

Organ Rejection is a big problem, overcome by immuno-suppressant drugs. But these drugs are quite toxic and leaves...

17 February 2008

A few weeks ago, we reported on the breakthrough where scientists in America had been able to build a beating heart in...

10 February 2008

This week, Mark Peplow comes in to tell us about the moves towards holographic 3D TV, how it could take years to pay...

10 February 2008

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer for men in the UK, and now researchers at the Institute of Cancer...

03 February 2008

The Louisiana wetlands are the largest in the USA and amongst the largest wetlands in the world, playing a vital role...

03 February 2008

despite being expanses of waterlogged land, wetlands actually offer great protection against flooding. So good, in...

03 February 2008

Wetlands are disappearing faster than rainforests, and support a huge number of species as well as offering protection...

27 January 2008

We suss out the facts of flu with Cambridge university researcher Ed Hutchinson...

27 January 2008

We find out about a revolutionary new way to diagnose our winter bugs in two hours rather than two weeks. It’s going to...

27 January 2008

We’ve already heard about how flu actually causes disease, how it invades us, how it hijacks our cells and makes us...

20 January 2008

Do ants look tasty to you? These ones might do! Dr Steve Yanoviak and his team have found a species of ant which,...

20 January 2008

Could the ocean provide a good 'sink' for carbon dioxide? We invited Margaret Leinen, from Climos, and Dr...

13 January 2008

This month, we explore a surface that becomes non-stick at the flip of a switch, visit the Paris of 55 million years...

06 January 2008

One of the most common addictions on Earth is the addiction to cigarettes, so tobacco and nicotine addiction. A very...

06 January 2008

How does addiction change the brain? Professor Julie Kauer has found that the changes involved in becoming addicted...

06 January 2008

It’s that time of the year when everyone is thinking, ‘how many inches extra, feet, pounds, stone have I gained over...

02 December 2007

Alzheimer's disease affects 1 person in 5 over the age of 80, and can have devastating effect on the families of...

02 December 2007

How does having Alzheimer's disease change the structure of the brain? Not much, actually. According to Peter...

28 October 2007

We sent Meera to UCL’s centre for Stem Cell Research, to find out the basics of stem cell technology.

28 October 2007

We spoke to Professor Roger Pedersen, of the Centre for Regenerative Medicine at Cambridge University, about...

28 October 2007

We spoke to Professor Ian Wilmut who, in 1996, cloned the first mammal, Dolly the sheep.

28 October 2007

For Kitchen Science, Ben found out how to clone at home!

14 October 2007

When you're buying training shoes, do you really get what you pay for? Professor Rami Abboud doesn't think...